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Senior Living Center Programs

$365includes standard mileage

Our programs are wonderful for any age. Our instructors can ignite wonder in any audience with their fun filled, educational presentation.  Who can ever outgrow the excitement of seeing a kangaroo hop around the room or the sight of an odd creature like our coatimundi? This tantalizing enrichment program is sure to please!

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Scouting Programs

$395includes standard mileage

Looking to help your scouts earn that camping or pets badge? We can help.  Our informative camping programs can explain what animals that might be encountered while camping, which ones to fear and which ones to appreciate the most. Our pets program can help scouts learn which exotic animals can be kept as pets and how to properly care for them.  Our instructors will also discuss which animals should never be kept as pets and why.

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Corporate Events

$365Quotes upon request.

Animals are a great way to bring staff together. Our Education Station is a come and go booth type set up where employees can come by, ask questions and interact with our amazing animals. We also offer educational and entertaining programs for “bring your child to work” days.  The sky is the limit. 

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